Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Common Core State Standards

Since it was first introduced Common Core State Standards has been a problem for many of the school districts that adapted it. One of the essential problem with Common Core was providing funding and the necessary resources to make every student college and career ready which is the goal for Common Core. It requires teachers to be well prepared safe and well equipped schools with reasonable class sizes and other supplemental services.  None of these accommodations were put in place prior to requiring schools to implement these standards.  Also many feel that the standards are lacking in some areas. A new teacher evaluation was implemented without the benefits of teachers receiving proper training to teach the new standards as a result some states have decided to pull out of using Common Core State Standards.  This issue is expected to be address in Congress in the near future.  Democrats and Republicans are alike divided over the issue.

 For information check out: http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/28_02/28_02_karp.shtml

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