Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Plan a Successful Classroom Management Plan

Today I had my first opportunity to observe a second grade class at Jones Elementary. While I was there I saw some good techniques and there was somethings I would change for the improvement of the classroom. As I was watching I noticed the students were not paying attention, talking back to the teacher, not following the instructions given, and even when transitioning to the classroom to the cafeteria the students had a hard time staying in line and walking in a mannerly accord. In the classroom observed there was no classroom structure, organization, set rules or goals, or respect just to name a few. When having you own classroom the first thing you must do on the first day of school is help your students understand what classroom management is and what is expected of your students. Help your students understand that classroom management is the skills and techniques that are used to help keep the classroom order, organized, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive in class.  Students should feel comfortable and safe in order to learn effectively.
My Top Ten Ways To Create A Successful Classroom Management Plans:
1.     Determine your philosophy
2.Use Positive Reinforcement
3.    Understand each child motivation
4.   Decide on rules
5.   Write and post the rules
6.    Set the tone on the first day of class
7.Write a letter to send home about the plan
8. Set the example
9. Be consistent
10. Use verbal and nonverbal reinforcement

For more information check out this website

1 comment:

  1. Are these images labeled for reuse? I know the first one is all over Pinterest, but that still doesn't mean you can put it on your blog without giving credit.
